Melotte 15
Melotte 15 is the center structure in the Heart Nebula. This emission nebula is one of my favorites. My focal length precludes me from imaging the entire heart nebula so I just got my favorite part instead. A mosaic of the heart nebula at 2000mm focal length would be quite the project!
I processed this image after the Helix Nebula. I took the pixel math learnings and applied it to this image. Additional tweaks seemed to help bring out the OIII more but required more color balancing. One thing I noticed is this method has significantly lower background noise than the traditional bi-color combination pixel math. This makes sense because we are multiplying the values together, so high SNR will be preferentially selected in the combined image.
R: ha
G: oiii*ha*1.25
B: (oiii * (oiii-ha)) + 1.1*oiii
The skies are finally clear after all the fires and monsoons seem to be done. I’m starting a new target and am shooting for a very long integration time. Lets see if the sky cooperates.
Telescope | Orion Optics UK ODK12 |
Mount | 10Micron GM1000HPS |
Imaging Camera | QHY163M |
Guide Camera | QHY5III178 |
Filter Wheel | QHYCFW2 |
Filters | Baader HA and OIII 36mm unmounted |
Focuser | FT3015B-A |
Shot Details
Automation Software | TBA |
Image Processing | PixInsight |
Guiding | None |
HA | 104 x 300sec at -10°C |
OIII | 158 x 300sec at -10°C |
Total Integration | 21.8 hours |
Gain | 120 |
Offset | 70 |
Ambient | 30-35°C :sob: |
Bortle | 6/7 |
Location | Phoenix, AZ |